[ even artichokes have hearts ]
e-mail me! dland
written on Wednesday, Feb. 24, 2010 at 6:50 p.m.

Well Hello there.

Long time no see. ;)

Becky (bookafly) left me a note here and it made me want to update!

First off, I'm ALIIIIVVVEEE!! Hehe very much so. I am currently living in Seattle and have been living here for a year now with Jeff. A WHOLE YEAR?! Yeah this year has just flown by.

Much has happened in this year! Jeff and I got engaged! YES! He proposed to me out of nowhere while we were eating dinner one night and I was so caught off guard that I thought he was joking haha. He wasn't and voila we will be married on Halloween of this year in Las Vegas. We decided to get married there because that's where our family and friends are. It has been pretty tough trying to plan a wedding in Vegas when we are in Seattle but thankfully my Mom has jumped at the opportunity to help and is all over it. I love her! ;)

We also just found a new place to live! We are currently in a small one bedroom apartment and I have been feeling pretty cramped lately so we started looking to upgrade. Just today we signed the lease for an adorable 2 bedroom 1 bath townhome. It even has its own yard! You know what that means? I FINALLY get to bring Corky up from Vegas. YES! I had to leave behind my lil dog because the apt. we have now doesn't allow pets. I've missed him so much and now I'm relieved he can be with me now. Phew.
(My sister lives in Chicago BTW) OH! My sister had a baby! Her first! She had a girl and her name is Luci and I love her to bits! My first niece! I got to meet her in January. She is currently 2 and half months old.

Adorable!! I miss her so much too it's crazy. Sorry my thoughts are all jumbled I'm trying to remember everything that has happened since the last time I updated here. Heh I'll sit down later and write a well more thought out entry ;)

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